Running back and Forth

Quick update first regarding my last post.

The problem regarding the track constantly needing cleaning is solved (amazing how a plug not fully connected can affect the running of a layout).

So onto the main subject of the post.
I have got myself an Autocoach and B set Coach to run behind my 14XX, a few things are needed to be done.

First step in a lot of coach rebuilds/repairs is to completely disassemble said coach.

Autocoach Fully Disassembled,  front shows both bogies and broken under frame detailing.
Middle shows base and weight for coach.
Back is clearly the coach and roof is removed and loosely placed back on top
First things I plan to do is re-wheel the bogies with metal wheels (which is why they are currently missing), repair the broken part of the under-frame.

I will also look at weathering the under-frame and the bottom of the coach.
Finally I will add detail to the inner of the coach, added painted seats and passengers.
Once finished with the autocoach I will also look at balancing the 14XX so it doesn't bounce up and down when going backward.


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