Modifying a 56

So, I've decided to make a few modifications to my class 56.
To begin with, to smooth out its running I'll simply be chopping off the capacitor near the motor, as from my understanding, this can cause problems when running a loco on dcc.
Once this is done, and I've made any other requirements for it to run smoothly, I will work on motorizing the roof fans.

From what I've read, this can be done by installing an additional decoder (and set it to a different number) which connects up to a specific motor (a mashima 1020) which should fit in the space left when removing the drive shaft.

Then all I should need to do is to program the chip before installing it (I'll be making use of the speed function that usually controls the loco's main motor) and add a little rubber ring to the end of the motors drive shaft to enable it to rotate the fans at the speed I require, when I want it.

When I start on this, I will add pictures showing what I'm doing.


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