Tunneling through

  Well, the ballasting is now more or less complete (places that don't have it at the moment, probably won't ever have it)
There's a few problems yet to be solved (such as why after 12 hours a clean track need cleaning to allow you to run anything).
 As you may be able to guess I am now starting on the landscaping of my layout, as with everything it will be modular

 I glue triangles or card to what will be the inner tracks tunnel wall which will help reinforce the roof when fully assembled.

The tunnel mouth is next, where I take a series of measurements from the track and loco heights to craft a twin track tunnel mouth wide enough for two passenger trains to happily go through.

Although not pictured I have put reinforcements on the top of the tunnel mouth for the tunnel roof, I have also put extra reinforcements on one edge of the tunnel wall to allow me to link the mouth and wall together.

Not quite sure how I will finish the tunnel mouth at the moment, but for now I've left it to dry before continuing to join the two pieces.

In order to add a little extra height and make it more sturdy at the bottom I will add some balsa wood to make sure its high enough for my steam engines to pass through.


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