Making it Modular

Not quite sure how I will manage this, but my plan is to make it as modular as I can, mainly so if I ever get extra room for it I can just add extra boards in between the existing ones.

So my first thought is to make areas of track simple to remove, now I've seen this done with scenery which is easy enough, but with track that includes a bundle of points is going to be tricky and at the moment I'm not sure how I'm going to overcome this purely because of the wiring needed and my concern is where is this heap of wiring going to go and how am I going to make it easy to connect up without going through dozens of wires and connecting them appropriately.

I am sure there are ways of doing this without creating obtrusive wires and maybe my decision to use dcc for points as well could help.

Now as you may be able to tell, the coloured bits of the plan need to be easily removed, although it requires a little testing, one thought is to scratch build a building, maybe a signal box for the yard and inside I could store my point decoders in some way which would go to the points.

Then in order to change the polarity of the point and send feedback to the decoder I could make use of micro-switches on either side of the point, as I'd be using peco surface mounted motors for these (no room underneath for anything else) I could locate one of the points micro switches by the motor by the unoccupied throw bar of the motor and the other on the vacant side of the point, both would of course switch what they were doing when the point is thrown.

This requires some testing but I remain optimistic about this.


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