Laying the track.......plan

So of course, the first main thing to go when creating a model railway is to plan the track.

And this is my plan for my track, now put away your plan books, you won't find it in there, because like most railways I've come up with this myself.

Now I know what your thinking, little boring isn't it? A few loops and sidings?
Well yes it may very well be but it will be enough to keep me busy for some time to come yet, what with all the track laying, wiring and everything else that ends up in it.

Oh and for anyone thats wondering I used a piece of software called Anyrail, its a great bit of software, and worth paying for the full version (trial only allows 50 pieces which you will reach very quickly), though for some reason Norton doesn't like it from what I've heard.

Anyway, there will be pictures in a few days time of the work in progress, so keep an eye out.


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