Setting Track for Dcc

So I keep telling myself that I'm not going to be using settrack on my layout due to the issues it causes if anything with a short wheelbase is run over it (mainly shunters with 0-6-0 or 0-4-0 wheel arrangements)

But as happens I see that I can add more track to part of the layout and this track, due to the geometry, has to be set track, so I set about making it live, but of course I refuse to use Hornby's DCC staples, so I set about making my own modifications.
The back of  a Peco settrack point, as out the box

Most of the webbing cut away along one section.

Small sections of wire soldered to join the required rails

View from top once installed on track.
 Now although they may be slightly more intrusive at this point, they should more or less disappear when the track is ballasted.


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